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Tavern Talk #74 - Give

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Luke 6:38


This passage is often used in churches when it is time to raise money. Whether it is for the operating budget, a new gym, or a special project, the idea of asking people to give makes most pastors as uncomfortable as those sitting in the pews. And unfortunately, a number of pastors, especially in those churches without traditional pews, use this verse to explain how giving will result in material wealth for their parishioners – the prosperity Gospel.

a hand holding a paper red heart

The good news? I believe most theologians and anyone who has read the Gospels agree that neither is what Jesus was talking about.

The Kingdom of God is all about giving. Not money, but all those other things that Jesus talked about: love, grace, and forgiveness. How do we give love? By giving time, attention, care, concern, support, help, peace, and the like to “our neighbor.” Who is our neighbor? Jesus broadly defined that term, didn’t he? It means everyone. Even our enemies. And while our actions won’t secure our salvation, Jesus clearly said that we would be rewarded. If we give out of love, the reward will be felt. Giving out of love doesn’t mean giving for the reward.

The reality is that we have already been given the greatest gift of all – Jesus. Jesus allows us to be made right with God despite our failings. What greater gift is there?

So, we’ve made up our mind to give more. Now, what do we do? God gave each of us strengths, gifts, and talents that we can use to provide what others need. Those are good places to start. Still puzzled? Think about what you would like to be given and chances are someone would like the same. Giving can be large and small. It can be planned or spontaneous, loud or quiet, solitary or a group effort, anonymous or celebrated, creative or routine. But it must be done out of love.

Not sure you can love a certain someone or group? Give them something. That might help you tap into the love that is within your heart. That might be the opportunity the Holy Spirit has to reward you. It’s that warm, glowing, satisfied feeling that we’ve all felt when we’ve freely given someone something out of love. There is a reason it makes us feel that way. We are created in God’s image.




This guy knows something about “A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over” – with butter.


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