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Tavern Talk #70 - Sin: Missing the Mark

Sin. We don’t like to talk about it. And when we do, sometimes it leads to arguments. What is and isn’t a sin? Virtually every church or denomination has had to deal with sin. And we experience it daily. What is it? And why does it matter? How are we missing the mark?

An archer pointing a bow at a target

It is interesting that in the original writings that became our New Testament, the authors, writing in Greek, used a word that meant “to miss the mark” or “to fall short” for “sin.” It was the same word used in archery. Our focus is not on what is and what isn’t a sin. Rather on our failure to live up to God’s standards. A failure to be as righteous as God. Regardless of how you define it, we don’t, won’t, and can’t match God’s sin-free existence.


Why does it matter? We can’t be in community with God because of our sinful nature. Not now. Not in the future. Not for eternity. No matter how good we are. No matter how hard we try. It is simply not possible.


So, we don’t like to talk about sin. Regardless of how we define it, none of us live up to that standard. Who likes to admit failure?


The good news is the Good News. A relationship with Jesus Christ allows a relationship with God. It allows us to be made right, to be made righteous as Jesus allows our sins to be forgiven. And there is nothing we have to do for that to happen other than accept it. It is freely given. Of course, we have no example of such grace in our world today. Nevertheless, it is as simple and as complicated as that.


Now, does this mean that we shouldn’t try to hit the mark? No. If we love God (one of our expectations), then we will want to get as close to righteousness as possible. And when we fail, Jesus makes up the difference.


Our focus? Loving our neighbor as ourselves and loving God completely. To fail in these two things is sin.



Romans 3:23-24

Romans 6:23

Hebrews 9:27

Revelations 20:12

Revelations 21:27

Matthew 7:21

Romans 7:18-19

Isaiah 64:6

John 14:6

Ephesians 1:7

Ephesians 2:8-9


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